Thursday, October 7, 2010

Introduction To Yoga

Yoga is a science of right living and it works when integrated in our daily life. It works on all aspects of the person: the physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual. The word yoga means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness’ and is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ which means ‘to join’.

There are too many misconceptions clouding the science of Yoga. People perceive it to be some kind of black or white magic, sorcery, physical or mental debauchery through which miraculous feats can be performed. For some it is an extremely dangerous practice which should be limited to only those who have renounced the world. Few others think it to be a kind of mental and physical acrobatism that is compatible only to a Hindu mind.

The human mind is subject to certain weaknesses which are universal. avidya-wrong notions of the external world, asmita-wrong notions of the external world, asmita-wrong notions of oneself, raga-longing and attachment for sensory objects and affections, dweshad is like and hatred for objects and persons, and abinivesha or the love of life are the five defects of the mind that must be removed. Yoga, the constant meditation and introspection eradicate these mental flaws.

We have organised some background information on understanding Yoga better, which dated as far back as 100 years ago. Just click on the links below for the information you are interested to find out.

The Nature of Yoga
Gain a general idea of the subject of Yoga, seeking its place in nature, its own character, its object in human evolution.

Schools of Thought
Yoga relation to Indian philosophies discussed in this section. As well as the importance of acquainting yourselves sufficiently with Sanskrit language, as in explaining Yoga, one is often at a loss for the English equivalent of the manifold meanings of the Sanskrit tongue.

Yoga as Science
The two great methods of Yoga, one related to the Self and the other to the Not-Self. Here, we are dealing only with the science of Yoga and not with other means of attaining union with the Divine. The scientific method is one that follows the old Indian conception. The Yoga we are studying specially concerns the Marga of Jnanam or knowledge, and within that way, within that Marga or path of knowledge, we find that three subdivisions occur, as everywhere in nature.

Yoga as Practice
The lower mind, unruffled, waveless, reflects the higher, as a waveless lake reflects the stars. You will remember the phrase used in the Upanishad, which puts it less technically and scientifically, but more beautifully, and declares that in the quietude of the mind and the tranquility of the senses, a man may behold the majesty of the Self. The method of producing this quietude is what we have now to consider in this section.

What does the yogi reach at last? Find out in this concluding message.

Bikram Yoga
Health fears over Bikram Yoga.

Beauty Fitness Yoga And The Improvement Of Your Figure
Health fears over Bikram Yoga.

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