Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pregnancy Exercise Routines at Home: Squats during Pregnancy

Inner Thighs Exercise for Pregnant Women: Pregnancy Fitness Ball Videos

Lower Back Exercise with Fitness Ball during Pregnancy

Low Back Pregnancy Exercise: Prenatal Pilates Exercise with a Fitness Ball

Pregnancy Exercise Video for Low Back Pain

Free Online Pregnancy Exercise (Buttocks Exercise during Pregnancy)

Pregnancy Exercise: Back Pain during Pregnancy - Back Stretch

Prenatal Exercise: Safe Abdominal Exercise During Pregnancy

Birth Exercises: Late Pregnancy Fitness for Easier Childbirth

Abdominal Exercise during Pregnancy: Abs and Prenatal Fitness

Glutes Exercises during Pregnancy: Butt Exercises at Home for Women and Men

Pregnancy Exercise for Glutes and Legs with Fitness Ball

Pregnancy Exercises for Labor: Exercise Yoga during Pregnancy

Yoga for Migraine Headaches : Avoiding Migraine Trigger Foods

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Dog Pose to Relieve Headache

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Prep to Relieve Headache

Yoga for Migraine Headaches : Migraine Prevention Breakfast

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Anatomy of a Tension Headache

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Breaths to Relieve Headache

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Forward Bend to Relieve Headache

Yoga for Migraine Headaches : Healing Hand Mudra for Migraines

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Chair Pose to Relieve Headache

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Child Pose to Relieve Headache

Yoga for Migraine Headaches : Yoga Cooling Breaths for Migraines

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Eagle Pose to Relieve Headache

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Prayer Pose to Relieve Headache

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : How Yoga Can Relieve Headaches

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Bridge Pose to Relieve Headache

Yoga for Migraine Headaches : Wrist & Head Acupressure Points for Migraines

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Plow Pose to Relieve Headache

Kundalini Yoga Headache Remedy Interactive

Headache bye bye! - a Powerful Series of Yoga Exercises

Yoga Poses for Headache Relief : Yoga Neck Rolls to Relieve Headache

yoga class in Japan 7

yoga class in Japan 6

yoga class in Japan 5

yoga class in Japan 4

yoga class in Japan 3



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Halifax Yoga's Ambassador for December 2010 - Kim

Yoga for Anxiety

Yoga Tips : Yoga Exercises for the Lower Back

Esther Ekhart and Taetske kleijn about Clarity Process

Yoga for Lower Back Pain

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Sit comfortably in Padmasana orSukhasana as shown in the picture, back straight and eyes closed. Form the Gyan Mudra and place your hands on your knees. Exhale to your maximum capacity through both nostrils, and then inhale through both with full force. Repeat this process continuously till you feel tired. Do it slowly first, then speed up gradually. Maintain a rhythmic patter; the time taken to inhale should equal that taken to exhale. And remember when you breath in, your lungs should expand and not your belly. Similarly, when you breathe out, your lungs must come back to their original position. Do this process according to your capacity, 30-40 times.

Note: People suffering form high blood pressure, heart problems and migraine should do Bhastrika Pranayam slowly without undue force.


Sit comfortably in Padmasana orSukhasana as shown in the picture, back straight and eyes closed. Breathe normally. Pull your anus and lower abdominal muscles up and relax. Focus on the muscles contracting and relaxing. Repeat this motion 200 times in two set with 100 repeats each.


Lie on your stomach, facing down. Bend your legs and grasp the ankles with your hands. Inhale and raise the hind part of your body and your chest. Tilt your neck back with eyes closed. Feel the strain between legs and hands as your entire body rests on your belly. Arch the back into a bow, breathing normally. Hold the posture as long as you can and then return to base position. Repeat Dhanurasana twice.

Note: If you are suffering form hernia, hypertension and peptic ulcers, avoid Dhanurasana.


Lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees, keeping the heels as close as possible to the hips. Hold your ankles with your hands if possible, else keep your palms beside your hips, palms facing down. Inhale and lift you're your back and hips very slowly and smoothly. Keep your shoulders and heels on the ground. Close your eyes and focus on the painful area of your spine. Hold the posture for as long as your can, breathing normally. Return to base position very slowly and relax. Repeat three times.


Lie on your back and stretch your body. Place your hands beside your thighs, palms facing down. Inhale and raise both legs slowly, till they are at 90 degrees to your waist. Do not lift your head. Using your hands as pivots, lift your waist too and stretch your legs beyond your head, trying to touch the ground behind with your feet. Keep your knees straight. Hold this position for as long as you can. Breathing normally. Return to base position, bringing your legs back very slowly and ensuring that your palms and head stay on the floor and your knees stay straight. Do Halasana ones or twice.

Note: This is not for people suffering from backache, slip disc or cervical spondylosis.

6 Yoga Exercises To Increase Sperm Count.


Stand erect with your feet a foot apart. Place your hands on your knees and loosen your belly. Exhale fully, hold your breath out and pull your stomach in as far as you can, such that it touches you back. Then loosen and release the stomach. Repeat this pumping action for as long as you can. Relax and inhale. This completes one round of Angnisaar Kriya. Do this Kriya for 2-3 times.

Note: Not for people suffering from peptic ulcers, heart disease, high blood pressure, slip disc and intestinal swelling.

YOGA EXERCISES: Headstand, Quinoa, Port O'Brien

YOGA POSES: Asanas to Wake You Up

YOGA EXERCISES: Workplace Yoga

YOGA EXERCISES: Balancing Poses

YOGA EXERCISES: Advanced Headstand




YOGA EXERCISES: Yoga for Better Sleep

YOGA EXERCISES: Boost Your Digestion


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: Supine Tadasana

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: All Fours Knee-to-Nose

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: Navasana

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: Parsvottanasana

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: Side Arm Balance

Yoga Exercises to Flatten the Stomach

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: Half Moon

Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach : Yoga Exercises to Flatten Stomach: Folding Table

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yoga Poses

Over the years, yoga poses got separated from the rest of the mental and spiritual practices and has become popular as fitness yoga. However, people who practice yoga poses derive benefits of yoga like a focused mind, self-discipline, a composed temperament and a healthy view of life.

There are a hundred yoga poses. They have interesting names like Red Indians who named themselves Sitting Bull or Galloping Horse. The poses bear names like The Boat, Crow, Peacock, Lotus and so on. The last mentioned is the pose in which the Buddha is shown seated. It is the pose developed by yogis for their meditation. Legs withdrawn and feet resting on the thighs, hands placed on the thighs turned upward with thumb and forefinger closed, the spine and neck held erect, eyes lightly closed and the normally outgoing mind gathered and centered within – this is the ultimate pose of repose without and within.
But yet, before we could attain that inner repose, we have to slowly master the body through various yoga poses and by regulation of breath which is called pranayama. Regulation of breath is said to energize the body and gradual slowing down of breathing is said to reduce the frequency of thoughts which
is the necessary prelude for meditation.
In a way, yoga poses are for people who want to be and dare to be different and pursue what their inner being and instinct of the body prompt them to do. It is by treating the body with respect and dignity, not by pumping iron and straining the muscular and nervous system. In the latter case, we see these people breaking down in health when they stop doing these heavy-handed exercises.

Starting practice of yoga poses is easy. But some words of caution would be necessary.
Please do not learn from the books. One should not be one’s own Guru (Teacher) in matters of
Yoga asanas, pranayama or meditation and one might end up worse than before. Look for qualified, committed, professional teachers.
If you suffer from any ailments or bodily disabilities, obtain medical advice from your physician and from your yoga instructor as to what poses would fit in with your physical condition.
Age is no bar for practice of yoga poses. You do not have to be a stripling to do it.
Your yoga instructor will tell you what kind of yoga accessories and props you need. Your dress should be comfortable enough to allow you to stretch and bend freely.
Like all other physical exercises, yoga poses should be done on a very light stomach and never after a meal.
Fix a particular time for your domestic practice to develop regularity and discipline
Such a discipline does not go with habits like smoking and drinking which have a depleting effect on the physical system
The ultimate test of any exercise regimen is: Do you feel fresh and energetic or tired and exhausted afterwards? Yoga poses pass this test in flying colours.

On the whole, regular practice of yoga poses tempers and tunes up the body, disciplines the mind and trains the will to apply itself to self-improving habits and style of life and lifts one’s perspectives to a higher and nobler level of existence.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Elite Abs 10 - Alternate Back Extensions

Elite Abs 9 - Turkish Getup

Elite Abs 8 - Swiss Hip Extension

Elite Abs 7 - Plank and Side Plank

Elite Abs 6 - Erect Lateral Bends

Elite Abs 5 - Dumbbell Walkouts

Elite Abs 4 - Double Leg Hops

Elite Abs 3 - Body Curls

Elite Abs 2 - Bird Dog

Elite Abs 1 - Back Extensions

Side Plank

Jillian Michaels "Long Lever Crunch" Workout

How to Do Abdominal Exercises : Side Plank Oblique Abdominal Exercises

Jillian Michaels "Total Body" Workout

Jillian Michaels "Legs, Core and Abs" Workout

Jillian Michaels 'Butt of Course' Glute Workout -

Jillian Michaels "Plank Moguls" Workout

Jillian Michaels 'Core Power' Mini Workout -

Jillian Michaels Ripped Up Abs Mini Workout -

Jillian Michaels "Side Plank with Knee Pull" Workout

AM Yoga for your week

AM Yoga part 6

AM Yoga part 5

AM Yoga part 4

AM Yoga part 3

AM Yoga part 2

AM Yoga part 1

Tuesday, October 19, 2010




Yoga 1


Shilpa-Shetty Yoga

Images of yoga

Thai massage - back work, flip & double-leg postures

Thai massage at Lotus Palm

Thai Sports Massage

Thai Yoga Massage, feet & single-leg postures

Thai Yoga Massage - seated Thai yoga postures

Thai Chair Massage 2

Thai Chair Massage 1

Video Le massage thai - Nuad Bo Rarn

Thai Yoga Massage Demonstration: Inverted Position

Elaine Gavalas TODAY Show NY

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Partner Yoga: Navasana (Boat Pose)

Partner Yoga: Trikonasana

HYC Yoga Arm Balance video available on DVD Melbourne Australia

Laughter Yoga at Hospital in New York USA.flv

Energizing Yoga

Improving Your Yoga Stretching : Yoga Cobblers Pose

Deep Stretch Yin Yoga with Mimi Solaire

Yin Yoga


YOGA Warming Up

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Lose Stomach Fat Fast

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Yoga Relaxation Exercises

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How to Do Easy Yoga Poses

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Yoga Stretches for Beginners

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Exercises to Lose Belly Fat & Love Handles

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Yoga Exercises That Help You Lose Belly Fat

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How to Lose Belly Fat Through Yoga

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Yoga Exercises to Flatten the Stomach

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day30: Sivananda Yoga series part 4/4

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Day29: Sivananda Yoga series part 3/4

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