Saturday, December 18, 2010


Sit comfortably in Padmasana orSukhasana as shown in the picture, back straight and eyes closed. Form the Gyan Mudra and place your hands on your knees. Exhale to your maximum capacity through both nostrils, and then inhale through both with full force. Repeat this process continuously till you feel tired. Do it slowly first, then speed up gradually. Maintain a rhythmic patter; the time taken to inhale should equal that taken to exhale. And remember when you breath in, your lungs should expand and not your belly. Similarly, when you breathe out, your lungs must come back to their original position. Do this process according to your capacity, 30-40 times.

Note: People suffering form high blood pressure, heart problems and migraine should do Bhastrika Pranayam slowly without undue force.

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